.. _migration: ======================= Migration to PyScaffold ======================= Migrating your existing project to PyScaffold is in most cases quite easy and requires only a few steps. We assume your project resides in the Git repository ``my_project`` and includes a package directory ``my_package`` with your Python modules. Since you surely don't want to lose your Git history, we will just deploy a new scaffold in the same repository and move as well as change some files. But before you start, please make sure that your working tree is not dirty, i.e. all changes are committed and all important files are under version control. Let's start: #. Change into the parent folder of ``my_project`` and type:: putup my_project --force --no-skeleton -p my_package in order to deploy the new project structure in your repository. #. Now change into ``my_project`` and move your old package folder into ``src`` (if your existing project does not follow a `src layout`_ yet):: git mv my_package/* src/my_package/ Use the same technique if your project has a test folder other than ``tests`` or a documentation folder other than ``docs``. #. Use ``git status`` to check for untracked files and add them with ``git add``. #. Potentially, use ``git difftool`` to check all overwritten files for changes that need to be transferred. Most important is that all configuration that you may have done in ``setup.py`` by passing parameters to ``setup(...)`` need to be moved to ``setup.cfg``. You will figure that out quite easily by putting your old ``setup.py`` and the new ``setup.cfg`` template side by side. Checkout the `documentation of setuptools`_ for more information about this conversion. In most cases you will not need to make changes to the new ``setup.py`` file provided by PyScaffold. The only exceptions are if your project uses compiled resources, e.g. Cython. #. If you have any pre-existing `git tag`_ in your repository history, you will need to ensure that the latest tag is compatible with :pypi:`setuptools-scm`. You can do that by running ``python -m setuptools_scm`` (after installing it in your environment). If the command succeeds you are good to go. Please note that some specific tag formats can be problematic. Check our :ref:`version-faq` for a workaround for this problem. #. In order to check that everything works, run ``pip install .`` and ``tox -e build`` (or ``python -m build --wheel`` after installing ``build``). If those two commands don't work, check ``pyproject.toml``, ``setup.cfg``, ``setup.py`` as well as your package under ``src`` again. Were all modules moved correctly? Is there maybe some ``__init__.py`` file missing? Be aware that projects containing a ``pyproject.toml`` file will build in a different, and sometimes non backwards compatible, way. If that is your case, you can try to keep the legacy behaviour by deleting ``pyproject.toml`` and building the distributions exclusively with ``setup.py``. Please see our :ref:`updating guide ` for some :ref:`extra steps ` you might want to execute manually. Finally, try also to run ``make -C docs html`` and ``pytest`` (or preferably their ``tox`` equivalents) to check that Sphinx and PyTest run correctly. .. _documentation of setuptools: https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/stable/userguide/declarative_config.html .. _src layout: https://blog.ionelmc.ro/2014/05/25/python-packaging/#the-structure .. _git tag: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Tagging