Source code for pyscaffold.extensions.django

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Extension that creates a base structure for the project using
from __future__ import absolute_import

from .. import shell
from ..api import helpers
from ..api import Extension
from ..contrib.six import raise_from

[docs]class Django(Extension): """Generate Django project files""" mutually_exclusive = True
[docs] def activate(self, actions): """Register hooks to generate project using django-admin. Args: actions (list): list of actions to perform Returns: list: updated list of actions """ # `get_default_options` uses passed options to compute derived ones, # so it is better to prepend actions that modify options. actions = helpers.register(actions, enforce_django_options, before='get_default_options') # `apply_update_rules` uses CWD information, # so it is better to prepend actions that modify it. actions = helpers.register(actions, create_django_proj, before='apply_update_rules') return actions
[docs]def enforce_django_options(struct, opts): """Make sure options reflect the Django usage. Args: struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested :obj:`dict`. opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for an extensive list. Returns: struct, opts: updated project representation and options """ opts['package'] = opts['project'] # required by Django opts['force'] = True opts.setdefault('requirements', []).append('django') return struct, opts
[docs]def create_django_proj(struct, opts): """Creates a standard Django project with Args: struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested :obj:`dict`. opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for an extensive list. Returns: struct, opts: updated project representation and options Raises: :obj:`RuntimeError`: raised if is not installed """ try: shell.django_admin('--version') except Exception as e: raise raise_from(DjangoAdminNotInstalled, e) shell.django_admin('startproject', opts['project'], log=True, pretend=opts.get('pretend')) return struct, opts
[docs]class DjangoAdminNotInstalled(RuntimeError): """This extension depends on the ```` cli script.""" DEFAULT_MESSAGE = (" is not installed, " "run: pip install django") def __init__(self, message=DEFAULT_MESSAGE, *args, **kwargs): super(DjangoAdminNotInstalled, self).__init__(message, *args, **kwargs)