Source code for pyscaffold.structure

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functionality to generate and work with the directory structure of a project
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import os
from os.path import exists as path_exists
from os.path import join as join_path

from . import templates, utils
from .contrib.six import string_types
from .log import logger

[docs]class FileOp(object): """Namespace for file operations during an update""" NO_OVERWRITE = 0 """Do not overwrite an existing file during update (still created if not exists) """ NO_CREATE = 1 """Do not create the file during an update"""
[docs]def define_structure(_, opts): """Creates the project structure as dictionary of dictionaries Args: struct (dict): previous directory structure (ignored) opts (dict): options of the project Returns: tuple(dict, dict): structure as dictionary of dictionaries and input options """ struct = {opts['project']: { '.gitignore': (templates.gitignore(opts), FileOp.NO_OVERWRITE), 'src': { opts['package']: {'': templates.init(opts), '': (templates.skeleton(opts), FileOp.NO_CREATE)}, }, 'tests': {'': (templates.conftest_py(opts), FileOp.NO_OVERWRITE), '': (templates.test_skeleton(opts), FileOp.NO_CREATE)}, 'docs': {'': templates.sphinx_conf(opts), 'authors.rst': templates.sphinx_authors(opts), 'index.rst': (templates.sphinx_index(opts), FileOp.NO_OVERWRITE), 'license.rst': templates.sphinx_license(opts), 'changelog.rst': templates.sphinx_changelog(opts), 'Makefile': templates.sphinx_makefile(opts), '_static': { '.gitignore': templates.gitignore_empty(opts)}}, 'README.rst': (templates.readme(opts), FileOp.NO_OVERWRITE), 'AUTHORS.rst': (templates.authors(opts), FileOp.NO_OVERWRITE), 'LICENSE.txt': (templates.license(opts), FileOp.NO_OVERWRITE), 'CHANGELOG.rst': (templates.changelog(opts), FileOp.NO_OVERWRITE), '': templates.setup_py(opts), 'setup.cfg': (templates.setup_cfg(opts), FileOp.NO_OVERWRITE), 'requirements.txt': (templates.requirements(opts), FileOp.NO_OVERWRITE), '.coveragerc': (templates.coveragerc(opts), FileOp.NO_OVERWRITE)}} return struct, opts
[docs]def create_structure(struct, opts, prefix=None): """Manifests a directory structure in the filesystem Args: struct (dict): directory structure as dictionary of dictionaries opts (dict): options of the project prefix (str): prefix path for the structure Returns: tuple(dict, dict): directory structure as dictionary of dictionaries (similar to input, but only containing the files that actually changed) and input options Raises: :obj:`RuntimeError`: raised if content type in struct is unknown """ update = opts.get('update') or opts.get('force') pretend = opts.get('pretend') if prefix is None: prefix = os.getcwd() changed = {} for name, content in struct.items(): if isinstance(content, string_types): utils.create_file(join_path(prefix, name), content, pretend) changed[name] = content elif isinstance(content, dict): utils.create_directory(join_path(prefix, name), update, pretend) changed[name], _ = create_structure( struct[name], opts, prefix=join_path(prefix, name)) elif content is None: pass else: raise RuntimeError("Don't know what to do with content type " "{type}.".format(type=type(content))) return changed, opts
[docs]def apply_update_rules(struct, opts, prefix=None): """Apply update rules using :obj:`~.FileOp` to a directory structure. As a result the filtered structure keeps only the files that actually will be written. Args: opts (dict): options of the project, containing the following flags: - **update**: when the project already exists and should be updated - **force**: overwrite all the files that already exist struct (dict): directory structure as dictionary of dictionaries (in this tree representation, each leaf can be just a string or a tuple also containing an update rule) prefix (str): prefix path for the structure Returns: tuple(dict, dict): directory structure with keys removed according to the rules (in this tree representation, all the leaves are strings) and input options """ if prefix is None: prefix = os.getcwd() filtered = {} for k, v in struct.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): v, _ = apply_update_rules(v, opts, join_path(prefix, k)) else: path = join_path(prefix, k) v = apply_update_rule_to_file(path, v, opts) if v: filtered[k] = v return filtered, opts
[docs]def apply_update_rule_to_file(path, value, opts): """Applies the update rule to a given file path Args: path (str): file path value (tuple or str): content (and update rule) opts (dict): options of the project, containing the following flags: - **update**: when the project already exists and should be updated - **force**: overwrite all the files that already exist Returns: content of the file if it should be generated or None otherwise. """ if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): content, rule = value else: content, rule = value, None update = opts.get('update') force = opts.get('force') skip = update and not force and ( rule == FileOp.NO_CREATE or path_exists(path) and rule == FileOp.NO_OVERWRITE) if skip:'skip', path) return None return content