Source code for pyscaffold.templates

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Templates for all files of a project's scaffold
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import os.path
import string
from pkgutil import get_data

licenses = {"affero": "license_affero_3.0",
            "apache": "license_apache",
            "artistic": "license_artistic_2.0",
            "cc0": "license_cc0_1.0",
            "eclipse": "license_eclipse_1.0",
            "gpl2": "license_gpl_2.0",
            "gpl3": "license_gpl_3.0",
            "isc": "license_isc",
            "lgpl2": "license_lgpl_2.1",
            "lgpl3": "license_lgpl_3.0",
            "mit": "license_mit",
            "mozilla": "license_mozilla",
            "new-bsd": "license_new_bsd",
            "none": "license_none",
            "proprietary": "license_none",
            "public-domain": "license_public_domain",
            "simple-bsd": "license_simplified_bsd"}

[docs]def get_template(name): """Retrieve the template by name Args: name: name of template Returns: :obj:`string.Template`: template """ pkg_name = __name__.split(".", 1)[0] file_name = "{name}.template".format(name=name) data = get_data(pkg_name, os.path.join("templates", file_name)) return string.Template(data.decode(encoding='utf8'))
[docs]def setup_py(opts): """Template of Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("setup_py") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
def _add_line(key, value, first_line=False): txt = '{} = {}'.format(key, value) if first_line: return txt else: return '\n' + txt def _add_list(lst, indent=4*' ', sep='\n'): return sep.join([indent + elem for elem in lst])
[docs]def setup_cfg(opts): """Template of setup.cfg Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ from ..utils import list2str template = get_template("setup_cfg") opts['classifiers_str'] = list2str( opts['classifiers'], indent=4, brackets=False, quotes=False, sep='') opts['requirements_str'] = '; '.join(opts['requirements']) # [pyscaffold] section used for later updates opts['pyscaffold'] = _add_line('version', opts['version'], first_line=True) opts['pyscaffold'] += _add_line('package', opts['package']) if opts['cli_params']['extensions']: opts['pyscaffold'] += '\nextensions =\n' opts['pyscaffold'] += _add_list(opts['cli_params']['extensions']) for extension, args in opts['cli_params']['args'].items(): opts['pyscaffold'] += _add_line(extension, args) return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def gitignore(opts): """Template of .gitignore Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("gitignore") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def gitignore_empty(opts): """Template of empty .gitignore Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("gitignore_empty") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def sphinx_conf(opts): """Template of Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("sphinx_conf") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def sphinx_index(opts): """Template of index.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("sphinx_index") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def sphinx_license(opts): """Template of license.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("sphinx_license") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def sphinx_authors(opts): """Template of authors.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("sphinx_authors") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def sphinx_changelog(opts): """Template of changelog.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("sphinx_changelog") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def sphinx_makefile(opts): """Template of Sphinx's Makefile Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("sphinx_makefile") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
[docs]def readme(opts): """Template of README.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("readme") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def authors(opts): """Template of AUTHORS.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("authors") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def requirements(opts): """Template of requirements.txt Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("requirements") opts['requirements_str'] = '\n'.join(opts['requirements']) return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def license(opts): """Template of LICENSE.txt Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template(licenses[opts['license']]) return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def init(opts): """Template of Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ if opts['package'] == opts['project']: opts['distribution'] = '__name__' else: opts['distribution'] = "'{}'".format(opts['project']) template = get_template('__init__') return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def coveragerc(opts): """Template of .coveragerc Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("coveragerc") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def tox(opts): """Template of tox.ini Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("tox_ini") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def travis(opts): """Template of .travis.yml Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("travis") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
[docs]def travis_install(opts): """Template of Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("travis_install") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
[docs]def gitlab_ci(opts): """Template of .gitlab-ci.yml Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("gitlab_ci") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
[docs]def pre_commit_config(opts): """Template of .pre-commit-config.yaml Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("pre-commit-config") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
[docs]def namespace(opts): """Template of defining a namespace package Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("namespace") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def skeleton(opts): """Template of defining a basic console script Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("skeleton") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def test_skeleton(opts): """Template of unittest for Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("test_skeleton") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def changelog(opts): """Template of CHANGELOG.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("changelog") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def conftest_py(opts): """Template of Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("conftest_py") return template.substitute(opts)