Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provide general information about the system, user etc.

import copy
import getpass
import os
import socket
from enum import Enum
from operator import itemgetter

from . import shell
from .exceptions import (
from .templates import licenses
from .update import read_setupcfg
from .utils import chdir, levenshtein

[docs]class GitEnv(Enum): author_name = "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" author_email = "GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" author_date = "GIT_AUTHOR_DATE" committer_name = "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME" committer_email = "GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" committer_date = "GIT_COMMITTER_DATE"
[docs]def username(): """Retrieve the user's name Returns: str: user's name """ user = os.getenv(GitEnv.author_name.value) if user is None: try: user = next(shell.git("config", "--get", "")) user = user.strip() except ShellCommandException: user = getpass.getuser() return user
[docs]def email(): """Retrieve the user's email Returns: str: user's email """ mail = os.getenv(GitEnv.author_email.value) if mail is None: try: mail = next(shell.git("config", "--get", "")) mail = mail.strip() except ShellCommandException: user = getpass.getuser() host = socket.gethostname() mail = "{user}@{host}".format(user=user, host=host) return mail
[docs]def is_git_installed(): """Check if git is installed Returns: bool: True if git is installed, False otherwise """ if shell.git is None: return False try: shell.git("--version") except ShellCommandException: return False return True
[docs]def is_git_configured(): """Check if and is set globally in git Check first git environment variables, then config settings. This will also return false if git is not available at all. Returns: bool: True if it is set globally, False otherwise """ if (os.getenv(GitEnv.author_name.value) and os.getenv(GitEnv.author_email.value)): return True else: try: for attr in ("name", "email"): shell.git("config", "--get", "user.{}".format(attr)) except ShellCommandException: return False else: return True
[docs]def check_git(): """Checks for git and raises appropriate exception if not Raises: :class:`~.GitNotInstalled`: when git command is not available :class:`~.GitNotConfigured`: when git does not know user information """ if not is_git_installed(): raise GitNotInstalled if not is_git_configured(): raise GitNotConfigured
[docs]def is_git_workspace_clean(path): """Checks if git workspace is clean Args: path (str): path to git repository Returns: bool: condition if workspace is clean or not Raises: :class:`~.GitNotInstalled`: when git command is not available :class:`~.GitNotConfigured`: when git does not know user information """ # ToDo: Change to pathlib for v4 check_git() try: with chdir(path): shell.git('diff-index', '--quiet', 'HEAD', '--') except ShellCommandException: return False return True
[docs]def project(opts): """Update user options with the options of an existing PyScaffold project Params: opts (dict): options of the project Returns: dict: options with updated values Raises: :class:`~.PyScaffoldTooOld`: when PyScaffold is to old to update from :class:`~.NoPyScaffoldProject`: when project was not generated with PyScaffold """ from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points opts = copy.deepcopy(opts) cfg = read_setupcfg(opts['project']).to_dict() if 'pyscaffold' not in cfg: raise PyScaffoldTooOld pyscaffold = cfg['pyscaffold'] metadata = cfg['metadata'] # This would be needed in case of inplace updates, see issue #138, v4 # if opts['project'] == '.': # opts['project'] = metadata['name'] # Overwrite only if user has not provided corresponding cli argument opts.setdefault('package', pyscaffold['package']) opts.setdefault('author', metadata['author']) opts.setdefault('email', metadata['author-email']) opts.setdefault('url', metadata['url']) opts.setdefault('description', metadata['description']) opts.setdefault('license', best_fit_license(metadata['license'])) # Additional parameters compare with `get_default_options` opts['classifiers'] = metadata['classifiers'].strip().split('\n') # complement the cli extensions with the ones from configuration if 'extensions' in pyscaffold: cfg_extensions = pyscaffold['extensions'].strip().split('\n') opt_extensions = [ for ext in opts['extensions']] add_extensions = set(cfg_extensions) - set(opt_extensions) for extension in iter_entry_points('pyscaffold.cli'): if in add_extensions: extension_obj = extension.load()( if in pyscaffold: ext_value = pyscaffold[] extension_obj.args = ext_value opts[] = ext_value opts['extensions'].append(extension_obj) return opts
[docs]def best_fit_license(txt): """Finds proper license name for the license defined in txt Args: txt (str): license name Returns: str: license name """ ratings = {lic: levenshtein(txt, lic.lower()) for lic in licenses} return min(ratings.items(), key=itemgetter(1))[0]