

The installation of PyScaffold only requires a recent version of setuptools, i.e. at least version 38.3, as well as a working installation of Git. Especially Windows users should make sure that the command git is available on the command line. Otherwise, check and update your PATH environment variable or run PyScaffold from the Git Bash.

Additionally, if you want to create a Django project or want to use cookiecutter:


It is recommended to use an isolated environment as provided by virtualenv or even better Anaconda for your work with Python in general.


Make sure you have pip installed, then simply type:

pip install --upgrade pyscaffold

to get the latest stable version. The most recent development version can be installed with:

pip install --pre --upgrade pyscaffold

Using pip also has the advantage that all requirements are automatically installed.

If you want to install PyScaffold with all extensions, run:

pip install --upgrade pyscaffold[all]

PyScaffold is also available at conda-forge and thus can be installed with conda:

conda install -c conda-forge pyscaffold

Additional Requirements

If you run commands like py.test and make -C docs within your project, some additional requirements like py.test and Sphinx may be required. It might be the case you are already have them installed but this can be confusing because these packages won’t be available to other packages inside your virtual environment. In order to avoid this just install following packages inside your virtual environment:

Alternatively, you can setup build automation with tox. An easy way to do that is to generate your project passing the --tox option. The commands tox and tox -e docs should be able to run your tests or build your docs out of the box.