Source code for pyscaffold.api.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Useful functions for manipulating the action list and project structure.

from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import PurePath

from ..exceptions import ActionNotFound
from ..log import logger
from ..structure import FileOp, define_structure
from ..utils import get_id

logger = logger  # Sphinx workaround to force documenting imported members
"""Logger wrapper, that provides methods like :obj:``.
See :class:`~.ReportLogger`.

"""Do not overwrite an existing file during update
(still created if not exists)

"""Do not create the file during an update"""

# -------- Project Structure --------

def _id_func(x):
    """Identity function"""
    return x

[docs]def modify(struct, path, modifier=_id_func, update_rule=None): """Modify the contents of a file in the representation of the project tree. If the given path, does not exist the parent directories are automatically created. Args: struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested :obj:`dict`. See :obj:`~.merge`. path (os.PathLike): path-like string or object relative to the structure root. The following examples are equivalent:: from pathlib import PurePath 'docs/api/index.html' PurePath('docs', 'api', 'index.html') *Deprecated* - Alternatively, a list with the parts of the path can be provided, ordered from the structure root to the file itself. modifier (callable): function (or callable object) that receives the old content as argument and returns the new content. If no modifier is passed, the identity function will be used. Note that, if the file does not exist in ``struct``, ``None`` will be passed as argument. Example:: modifier = lambda old: (old or '') + 'APPENDED CONTENT'! modifier = lambda old: 'PREPENDED CONTENT!' + (old or '') update_rule: see :class:`~.FileOp`, ``None`` by default. Note that, if no ``update_rule`` is passed, the previous one is kept. Returns: dict: updated project tree representation Note: Use an empty string as content to ensure a file is created empty (``None`` contents will not be created). Warning: *Deprecation Notice* - In the next major release, the usage of lists for the ``path`` argument will result in an error. Please use :obj:`pathlib.PurePath` instead. """ # Retrieve a list of parts from a path-like object if isinstance(path, (list, tuple)): path_parts = path else: # TODO: Remove conditional for v4 (always do the following) path_parts = PurePath(path).parts # Walk the entire path, creating parents if necessary. root = deepcopy(struct) last_parent = root name = path_parts[-1] for parent in path_parts[:-1]: last_parent = last_parent.setdefault(parent, {}) # Get the old value if existent. old_value = last_parent.get(name, (None, None)) if not isinstance(old_value, (list, tuple)): old_value = (old_value, None) # Update the value. new_value = (modifier(old_value[0]), update_rule) last_parent[name] = _merge_file_leaf(old_value, new_value) return root
[docs]def ensure(struct, path, content=None, update_rule=None): """Ensure a file exists in the representation of the project tree with the provided content. All the parent directories are automatically created. Args: struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested :obj:`dict`. See :obj:`~.merge`. path (os.PathLike): path-like string or object relative to the structure root. The following examples are equivalent:: from pathlib import PurePath 'docs/api/index.html' PurePath('docs', 'api', 'index.html') *Deprecated* - Alternatively, a list with the parts of the path can be provided, ordered from the structure root to the file itself. content (str): file text contents, ``None`` by default. The old content is preserved if ``None``. update_rule: see :class:`~.FileOp`, ``None`` by default Returns: dict: updated project tree representation Note: Use an empty string as content to ensure a file is created empty. Warning: *Deprecation Notice* - In the next major release, the usage of lists for the ``path`` argument will result in an error. Please use :obj:`pathlib.PurePath` instead. """ modifier = _id_func if content is None else (lambda _: content) return modify(struct, path, modifier, update_rule)
[docs]def reject(struct, path): """Remove a file from the project tree representation if existent. Args: struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested :obj:`dict`. See :obj:`~.merge`. path (os.PathLike): path-like string or object relative to the structure root. The following examples are equivalent:: from pathlib import PurePath 'docs/api/index.html' PurePath('docs', 'api', 'index.html') *Deprecated* - Alternatively, a list with the parts of the path can be provided, ordered from the structure root to the file itself. Returns: dict: modified project tree representation Warning: *Deprecation Notice* - In the next major release, the usage of lists for the ``path`` argument will result in an error. Please use :obj:`pathlib.PurePath` instead. """ # Retrieve a list of parts from a path-like object if isinstance(path, (list, tuple)): path_parts = path else: # TODO: Remove conditional for v4 (always do the following) path_parts = PurePath(path).parts # Walk the entire path, creating parents if necessary. root = deepcopy(struct) last_parent = root name = path_parts[-1] for parent in path_parts[:-1]: if parent not in last_parent: return root # one ancestor already does not exist, do nothing last_parent = last_parent[parent] if name in last_parent: del last_parent[name] return root
[docs]def merge(old, new): """Merge two dict representations for the directory structure. Basically a deep dictionary merge, except from the leaf update method. Args: old (dict): directory descriptor that takes low precedence during the merge new (dict): directory descriptor that takes high precedence during the merge The directory tree is represented as a (possibly nested) dictionary. The keys indicate the path where a file will be generated, while the value indicates the content. Additionally, tuple values are allowed in order to specify the rule that will be followed during an ``update`` operation (see :class:`~.FileOp`). In this case, the first element is the file content and the second element is the update rule. For example, the dictionary:: {'project': { 'namespace': { '': ('print("Hello World!")', helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)}} represents a ``project/namespace/`` file with content ``print("Hello World!")``, that will be created only if not present. Returns: dict: resulting merged directory representation Note: Use an empty string as content to ensure a file is created empty. (``None`` contents will not be created). """ return _inplace_merge(deepcopy(old), new)
def _inplace_merge(old, new): """Similar to :obj:`~.merge` but modifies the first dict.""" for key, value in new.items(): old_value = old.get(key, None) new_is_dict = isinstance(value, dict) old_is_dict = isinstance(old_value, dict) if new_is_dict and old_is_dict: old[key] = _inplace_merge(old_value, value) elif old_value is not None and not new_is_dict and not old_is_dict: # both are defined and final leaves old[key] = _merge_file_leaf(old_value, value) else: old[key] = deepcopy(value) return old def _merge_file_leaf(old_value, new_value): """Merge leaf values for the directory tree representation. The leaf value is expected to be a tuple ``(content, update_rule)``. When a string is passed, it is assumed to be the content and ``None`` is used for the update rule. Args: old_value (tuple or str): descriptor for the file that takes low precedence during the merge new_value (tuple or str): descriptor for the file that takes high precedence during the merge Note: ``None`` contents are ignored, use and empty string to force empty contents. Returns: tuple or str: resulting value for the merged leaf """ if not isinstance(old_value, (list, tuple)): old_value = (old_value, None) if not isinstance(new_value, (list, tuple)): new_value = (new_value, None) content = new_value[0] if new_value[0] is not None else old_value[0] rule = new_value[1] if new_value[1] is not None else old_value[1] if rule is None: return content return (content, rule) # -------- Action List --------
[docs]def register(actions, action, before=None, after=None): """Register a new action to be performed during scaffold. Args: actions (list): previous action list. action (callable): function with two arguments: the first one is a (nested) dict representing the file structure of the project and the second is a dict with scaffold options. This function **MUST** return a tuple with two elements similar to its arguments. Example:: def do_nothing(struct, opts): return (struct, opts) **kwargs (dict): keyword arguments make it possible to choose a specific order when executing actions: when ``before`` or ``after`` keywords are provided, the argument value is used as a reference position for the new action. Example:: helpers.register(actions, do_nothing, after='create_structure') # Look for the first action with a name # `create_structure` and inserts `do_nothing` after it. # If more than one registered action is named # `create_structure`, the first one is selected. helpers.register( actions, do_nothing, before='pyscaffold.structure:create_structure') # Similar to the previous example, but the probability # of name conflict is decreased by including the module # name. When no keyword argument is provided, the default execution order specifies that the action will be performed after the project structure is defined, but before it is written to the disk. Example:: helpers.register(actions, do_nothing) # The action will take place after # `pyscaffold.structure:define_structure` Returns: list: modified action list. """ reference = before or after or get_id(define_structure) position = _find(actions, reference) if not before: position += 1 clone = actions[:] clone.insert(position, action) return clone
[docs]def unregister(actions, reference): """Prevent a specific action to be executed during scaffold. Args: actions (list): previous action list. reference (str): action identifier. Similarly to the keyword arguments of :obj:`~.register` it can assume two formats: - the name of the function alone, - the name of the module followed by ``:`` and the name of the function Returns: list: modified action list. """ position = _find(actions, reference) return actions[:position] + actions[position + 1 :]
def _find(actions, name): """Find index of name in actions""" if ":" in name: names = [get_id(action) for action in actions] else: names = [action.__name__ for action in actions] try: return names.index(name) except ValueError: raise ActionNotFound(name)