Source code for pyscaffold.extensions.venv

"""Create a virtual environment for the project"""
import argparse
from contextlib import suppress
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional

from .. import dependencies as deps
from ..actions import Action, ActionParams, ScaffoldOpts, Structure
from ..file_system import PathLike, chdir
from ..identification import get_id
from ..log import logger
from import get_command, get_executable
from . import Extension, store_with

DEFAULT: PathLike = ".venv"
"""Default directory name for collocated virtual environment that will be created"""

[docs]class Venv(Extension): """\ Create a virtual environment for the project (using virtualenv or stdlib's venv). Default location: "{DEFAULT}". If ``virtualenv`` is available, it will be used, since it has some advantages over stdlib's ``venv`` (such as being faster, see Notice that even if part of Python's stdlib, ``venv`` is not guaranteed to be installed, some OS/distributions (such as Ubuntu) require an explicit installation. If you have problems, try installing virtualenv with pip and run the command again. """ persist = False # We just want the virtual env to be created on fresh projects
[docs] def augment_cli(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): """Augments the command-line interface parser. See :obj:`~pyscaffold.extension.Extension.augment_cli`. """ parser.add_argument( self.flag, action=store_with(self), nargs="?", const=DEFAULT, default=argparse.SUPPRESS, type=Path, help=self.help_text.format(DEFAULT=DEFAULT), ) parser.add_argument( "--venv-install", action=store_with(self), nargs="+", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, metavar="PACKAGE", help="install packages inside the created venv. " "The packages can have dependency ranges as if they would be written to a " "`requirements.txt` file, but remember to use quotes to avoid messing with " "the terminal", ) return self
[docs] def activate(self, actions: List[Action]) -> List[Action]: """Activate extension, see :obj:`~pyscaffold.extension.Extension.activate`.""" actions = self.register(actions, run, after="init_git") actions = self.register(actions, install_packages, after=get_id(run)) return self.register(actions, instruct_user, before="report_done")
[docs]def run(struct: Structure, opts: ScaffoldOpts) -> ActionParams: """Action that will create a virtualenv for the project""" project_path = opts["project_path"] venv_path = Path(opts.get("venv", DEFAULT)) with chdir(project_path, **opts): if venv_path.is_dir():"skip", venv_path) return struct, opts for creator in (create_with_virtualenv, create_with_stdlib): with suppress(ImportError): creator(venv_path, opts.get("pretend")) break else: # no break statement found, so no creator function executed correctly raise NotInstalled() return struct, opts
[docs]def install_packages(struct: Structure, opts: ScaffoldOpts) -> ActionParams: """Install the specified packages inside the created venv.""" packages = opts.get("venv_install") if not packages: return struct, opts pretend = opts.get("pretend") venv_path = get_path(opts) if not pretend: pip = get_command("pip", venv_path, include_path=False) if not pip: raise NotInstalled(f"pip cannot be found inside {venv_path}") pip("install", "-U", *deps.deduplicate(packages))"run", f"pip install -U {' '.join(packages)} [{venv_path}]") return struct, opts
[docs]def instruct_user(struct: Structure, opts: ScaffoldOpts) -> ActionParams: """Simply display a message reminding the user to activate the venv.""" venv = opts.get("venv", DEFAULT) if opts.get("pretend"): logger.warning(f"\nA virtual environment was created: `{venv}`.\n") return struct, opts project = Path(opts["project_path"]).resolve() with chdir(project, **opts): venv_path = Path(venv) python_exe = get_executable("python", venv_path, include_path=False) pip_exe = get_executable("pip", venv_path, include_path=False) if python_exe and pip_exe: python = Path(python_exe).relative_to(project) pip = Path(pip_exe).relative_to(project) logger.warning( f"\nA virtual environment was created in the `{venv_path}` directory.\n" "You need to activate it (every time you open a new terminal),\n" f"or call directly {python} and {pip}.\n" ) return struct, opts
[docs]def get_path(opts: ScaffoldOpts, default=DEFAULT) -> Path: """Get the path to the venv that will be created.""" with chdir(opts.get("project_path", "."), **opts): return Path(opts.get("venv", default)).resolve()
[docs]def create_with_virtualenv(path: Path, pretend=False): import virtualenv args = [str(path)] if pretend: virtualenv.session_via_cli(args) else: logger.warning("\nInstalling virtual environment, it might take a while...\n") virtualenv.cli_run(args)"virtualenv", path)
[docs]def create_with_stdlib(path: Path, pretend=False): import venv if not pretend: logger.warning("\nInstalling virtual environment, it might take a while...\n") venv.create(str(path), with_pip=True)"venv", path)
[docs]class NotInstalled(ImportError): """Neither virtualenv or venv are installed in the computer. Please check the following alternatives: - ``virtualenv`` can be installed via pip - ``venv`` is supposed to installed by default with Python3, however some OS or distributions (such as Ubuntu) break the standard library in a series of packages that need to be manually installed via OS package manager. You can try to search for a ``python-venv``, ``python3-venv`` or similar in the official repositories. """ def __init__(self, msg: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(msg or self.__doc__)