Embedding PyScaffoldΒΆ

PyScaffold is expected to be used from terminal, via putup command line application. It is, however, possible to write an external script or program that embeds PyScaffold and use it to perform some custom actions.

The public Python API for embedding PyScaffold is composed by the main function pyscaffold.api.create_project in addition to pyscaffold.api.NO_CONFIG, pyscaffold.log.DEFAULT_LOGGER, pyscaffold.log.logger (partially, see details bellow), and the constructors for the extension classes belonging to the pyscaffold.extenstions module (the other methods and functions are not considered part of the API). This API, as explicitly listed, follows semantic versioning and will not change in a backwards incompatible way between releases. The remaining methods and functions are not guaranteed to be stable.

The following example illustrates a typical embedded usage of PyScaffold:

import logging

from pyscaffold.api import create_project
from pyscaffold.extenstions.cirrus import Cirrus
from pyscaffold.extenstions.namespace import Namespace
from pyscaffold.log import DEFAULT_LOGGER as LOGGER_NAME


    author="Your Name",
    extensions=[Cirrus(), Namespace()],

Note that no built-in extension (e.g. cirrus and namespace) is activated by default. The extensions option should be manually populated when convenient.

PyScaffold uses the logging infrastructure from Python standard library, and emits notifications during its execution. Therefore, it is possible to control which messages are logged by properly setting the log level (internally, most of the messages are produced under the INFO level). By default, a StreamHandler is attached to the logger, however it is possible to replace it with a custom handler using logging.Logger.removeHandler and logging.Logger.addHandler. The logger object is available under the logger variable of the pyscaffold.log module. The default handler is available under the handler property of the logger object.