Source code for pyscaffold.templates

Templates for all files of a project's scaffold

All template files (`*.template`) within this subpackage are licensed
under the BSD 0-Clause license.

import os
import string
import sys
from types import ModuleType
from types import SimpleNamespace as Object
from typing import Any, Dict, Set, Union

from configupdater import ConfigUpdater

from .. import __version__ as pyscaffold_version
from .. import dependencies as deps
from .. import toml

if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7):
    # TODO: Import directly (no need for workaround) when `python_requires = >= 3.7`
    from importlib.resources import read_text  # pragma: no cover
    from pkgutil import get_data  # pragma: no cover

    def read_text(package, resource, encoding="utf-8") -> str:  # pragma: no cover
        data = get_data(package, resource)
        if data is None:
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"{resource!r} resource not found in {package!r}")
        return data.decode(encoding)

ScaffoldOpts = Dict[str, Any]

#: All available licences (identifiers based on SPDX ````)
licenses = {
    "MIT": "license_mit",
    "AGPL-3.0-or-later": "license_affero_3.0",
    "AGPL-3.0-only": "license_affero_3.0",
    "Apache-2.0": "license_apache",
    "Artistic-2.0": "license_artistic_2.0",
    "0BSD": "license_bsd0",
    "BSD-2-Clause": "license_simplified_bsd",
    "BSD-3-Clause": "license_new_bsd",
    "CC0-1.0": "license_cc0_1.0",
    "EPL-1.0": "license_eclipse_1.0",
    "GPL-2.0-or-later": "license_gpl_2.0",
    "GPL-2.0-only": "license_gpl_2.0",
    "GPL-3.0-or-later": "license_gpl_3.0",
    "GPL-3.0-only": "license_gpl_3.0",
    "ISC": "license_isc",
    "LGPL-2.0-or-later": "license_lgpl_2.1",
    "LGPL-2.0-only": "license_lgpl_2.1",
    "LGPL-3.0-or-later": "license_lgpl_3.0",
    "LGPL-3.0-only": "license_lgpl_3.0",
    "MPL-2.0": "license_mozilla",
    "Unlicense": "license_public_domain",
    # ---- not really in the SPDX license list ----
    "Proprietary": "license_none",
# order is relevant: -only licenses should come after -or-later, so they dominate
# MIT goes first so it behaves like the default if an empty string is passed

[docs]def get_template( name: str, relative_to: Union[str, ModuleType] = __name__ ) -> string.Template: """Retrieve the template by name Args: name: name of template (the ``.template`` extension will be automatically added to this name) relative_to: module/package object or name to which the resource file is relative (in the standard module format, e.g. ````). Notice that ``relative_to`` should not represent directly a shared namespace package, since this kind of package is spread in different folders in the file system. Default value: ``pyscaffold.templates`` (**please assign accordingly when using in custom extensions**). Examples: Consider the following package organization:: . ├── src │ └── my_package │ ├── │ ├── templates │ │ ├── │ │ ├── file1.template │ │ └── file2.template │ … └── tests Inside the file ``src/my_package/``, one can easily obtain the contents of ``file1.template`` by doing: .. code-block:: python from pyscaffold.templates import get_template from . import templates as my_templates tpl1 = get_template("file1", relative_to=my_templates) # OR # tpl1 = get_template('file1', relative_to=my_templates.__name__) Please notice you can also use `relative_to=__name__` or a combination of `from .. import __name__ as parent` and `relative_to=parent` to deal with relative imports. Returns: :obj:`string.Template`: template .. versionchanged :: 3.3 New parameter **relative_to**. """ file_name = f"{name}.template" if isinstance(relative_to, ModuleType): relative_to = relative_to.__name__ data = read_text(relative_to, file_name, encoding="utf-8") # we assure that line endings are converted to '\n' for all OS content = data.replace(os.linesep, "\n") return string.Template(content)
[docs]def setup_cfg(opts: ScaffoldOpts) -> str: """Template of setup.cfg Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("setup_cfg") # template needs single-line `description`, # thus we pass only the first line of a multi-line description... desc = opts.get("description", "").splitlines() or [""] cfg_str = template.substitute({**opts, "description": desc[0]}) updater = ConfigUpdater() updater.read_string(cfg_str) # ... and finally the multi-line string for the full description. if desc[0] != opts.get("description", ""): updater["metadata"]["description"].set_values(desc) requirements = deps.add(deps.RUNTIME, opts.get("requirements", [])) updater["options"]["install_requires"].set_values(requirements) # fill [pyscaffold] section used for later updates add_pyscaffold(updater, opts) pyscaffold = updater["pyscaffold"] pyscaffold["version"].add_after.option("package", opts["package"]) return str(updater)
[docs]def add_pyscaffold(config: ConfigUpdater, opts: ScaffoldOpts) -> ConfigUpdater: """Add PyScaffold section to a ``setup.cfg``-like file + PyScaffold's version + extensions and their associated options. """ if "pyscaffold" not in config: config.add_section("pyscaffold") pyscaffold = config["pyscaffold"] pyscaffold["version"] = pyscaffold_version # Add the new extensions alongside the existing ones extensions = { for ext in opts.get("extensions", []) if ext.persist} old = pyscaffold.get("extensions", Object(value="")).value new = list(sorted(parse_extensions(old) | extensions)) if new: pyscaffold.set("extensions") pyscaffold["extensions"].set_values(new) # Add extension-related opts, i.e. opts which start with an extension name allowed = ((k, v) for k, v in opts.items() if any(map(k.startswith, extensions))) allowed_ = {k: "" if v is None else v for k, v in allowed} # ^ TODO: remove workaround for None values once ConfigUpdater solves #68 pyscaffold.update(allowed_) return config
[docs]def parse_extensions(extensions: str) -> Set[str]: """Given a string value for the field ``pyscaffold.extensions`` in a ``setup.cfg``-like file, return a set of extension names. """ ext_names = (ext.strip() for ext in extensions.strip().split("\n")) return {ext for ext in ext_names if ext}
[docs]def pyproject_toml(opts: ScaffoldOpts) -> str: template = get_template("pyproject_toml") config = toml.loads(template.safe_substitute(opts)) config["build-system"]["requires"] = list(deps.ISOLATED) return toml.dumps(config)
[docs]def license(opts): """Template of LICENSE.txt Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template(licenses[opts["license"]]) return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def init(opts): """Template of Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ if opts["package"] == opts["name"]: opts["distribution"] = "__name__" else: opts["distribution"] = '"{}"'.format(opts["name"]) template = get_template("__init__") return template.substitute(opts)