.. _updating: =============================== Updating from Previous Versions =============================== When updating a project generated with the same major version of PyScaffold [#up1]_, running ``putup --update`` should be enough to get you going. However updating from previous major versions of PyScaffold will probably require some manual adjustments. The following sections describe how to update from one major version into the following one. .. tip:: Before updating make sure to commit all the pending changes in your repository. If something does not work exactly how you expected after the update, please revise the changes using a ``diff`` and perform the necessary corrections. Updates from PyScaffold 2 to PyScaffold 3 ----------------------------------------- Since the overall structure of a project set up with PyScaffold 2 differs quite much from a project generated with PyScaffold 3 it is not possible to just use the ``--update`` parameter. Still with some manual efforts an update from a scaffold generated with PyScaffold 2 to PyScaffold 3's scaffold is quite easy. Assume the name of our project is ``old_project`` with a package called ``old_package`` and no namespaces then just: 1) make sure your worktree is not dirty, i.e. commit all your changes, 2) run ``putup old_project --force --no-skeleton -p old_package`` to generate the new structure inplace and ``cd`` into your project, 3) move with ``git mv old_package/* src/old_package/ --force`` your old package over to the new ``src`` directory, 4) check ``git status`` and add untracked files from the new structure, 5) use ``git difftool`` to check all overwritten files, especially ``setup.cfg``, and transfer custom configurations from the old structure to the new, 6) check if ``python setup.py test sdist`` works and commit your changes. Updates from PyScaffold 3 to PyScaffold 4 ----------------------------------------- **Most of the time, updating from PyScaffold 3 should be completely automatic**. However, since in version 4 we have adopted Python's new standards for packaging (`PEP 517`_/`PEP 518`_), you might find the new build process incompatible. .. _no-pyproject-steps: If that is the case, you might want to try reverting to the legacy behaviour and preventing the build tools from using isolated builds (`PEP 517`_). That can be easily done by deleting the `pyproject.toml` file from your package root. You will need, though, to manually follow a few extra steps to make sure everything works: 1) Remove PyScaffold from your build dependencies (``setup_requires`` in ``setup.cfg``) and add `setuptools-scm`_. .. note:: The use of ``setup_requires`` is discouraged. When updating to v4 PyScaffold will remove this field automatically and transfer the dependencies to the ``pyproject.toml :: build-system.requires`` field, which means you may need to manually place them back when deleting ``pyproject.toml``. Alternatively you can ditch ``setup_requires`` completely and rely on other tools like `tox`_ or `make`_ to build your project with the correct dependencies in place inside a virtual environment. This have the advantage of increasing reproducibility. With `tox`_ you can specify a ``build`` testenv with the `skip_install`_ option and the required build time dependencies listed in ``deps``. 2) Migrate any configuration options for tools that might be using ``pyproject.toml`` to alternative files. For example if you have ``isort`` and ``coverage`` configurations in your ``pyproject.toml``, you might want to rewrite them in the |isortcfg|_ and |coveragerc|_ files respectively. 3) Please open an issue_ with PyScaffold so we understand with kind of backward incompatibilities `PEP 517`_ and `PEP 518`_ might be causing and try to help. Similarly you might also consider opening an issue with setuptools_. .. warning:: For the time being you can use the **transitional** ``--no-pyproject`` option, when running ``putup``, but have in mind that this option will be removed in future versions of PyScaffold. PyScaffold 4 also adopts the `PEP 420`_ scheme for implicit namespaces and will automatically migrate existing packages. This is incompatible with the previously adopted `pkg_resources`_ methodology. **Fortunately, this will not affect you if you are not using namespaces**, but in the case you are, installing a new `PEP 420`_-compliant package in an environment that already contains other packages with the same namespace but that use the `pkg_resources`_ methodology, will likely result in errors (please check the `official packaging namespace packages guides`_ for more information). To solve this problem you will need to either migrate the existing packages to `PEP 420`_ or revert some specific configurations in ``setup.cfg`` after the update. In particular ``packages = find_namespace:`` should be converted back to ``packages = find:`` in the ``[options]`` section (use a ``git difftool`` to help you with that). If using `Sphinx`_ for the documentation, you can also remove the ``--implicit-namespaces`` option in the ``cmd_line_template`` variable in the ``docs/conf.py`` file. .. tip:: Existing regular Python files (or other directories containing Python files) that do not belong to the package distribution but are placed inside the ``src`` folder (such as example files not meant to be packaged), can cause problems when building your package. Please move these files if necessary to their own separated folders (e.g. the ``docs`` folder or a new ``examples`` folder in the root of the repository), or revert back to the `pkg_resources`_ implementation. Just have in mind that PyScaffold, considers the ``src`` directory to be exclusively dedicated to store files meant to be distributed, and will rely on that assumption on its future versions and updates. .. [#up1] PyScaffold uses 3 numbers for its version: ``MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH`` (when the numbers on the right are missing, just assume them as being 0), so PyScaffold 3.1.2 has the same major version as PyScaffold 3.3.1, but not PyScaffold 4. .. |isortcfg| replace:: *.isort.cfg* .. |coveragerc| replace:: *.coveragerc* .. _PEP 420: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0420/ .. _PEP 517: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0517/ .. _PEP 518: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0518/ .. _setuptools-scm: https://pypi.org/project/setuptools-scm/ .. _tox: https://tox.wiki/en/stable/ .. _make: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/index.html .. _skip_install: https://tox.wiki/en/stable/config.html#conf-skip_install .. _official packaging namespace packages guides: https://packaging.python.org/guides/packaging-namespace-packages/ .. _pkg_resources: https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/stable/pkg_resources.html .. _Sphinx: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/ .. _isortcfg: https://pycqa.github.io/isort/docs/configuration/config_files .. _coveragerc: https://coverage.readthedocs.io/en/coverage-5.1/config.html .. _issue: https://github.com/pyscaffold/pyscaffold/issues .. _setuptools: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues