Source code for pyscaffold.toml

"""Thin wrapper around the dependency so we can maintain some stability while being able
to swap implementations (e.g. replace `tomlkit`_ with `toml`_).

Despite being used in `pep517`_, `toml`_ offers limited support for comments, so we
prefer `tomlkit`_.

.. _tomlkit:
.. _toml:
.. _pep517:
from typing import Any, List, MutableMapping, NewType, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, cast

import tomlkit

TOMLMapping = NewType("TOMLMapping", MutableMapping)
"""Abstraction on the value returned by :obj:`loads`.

This kind of object ideally should present a dict-like interface and be able to preserve
the formatting and comments of the original TOML file.

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]def loads(text: str) -> TOMLMapping: """Parse a string containing TOML into a dict-like object, preserving style somehow. """ return TOMLMapping(cast(MutableMapping, tomlkit.loads(text)))
[docs]def dumps(obj: Union[TOMLMapping, dict]) -> str: # and do not change the object # TODO: If/when tomlkit allows serialising arbitrary Mapping objects, replace union # with Mapping """Serialize a dict-like object into a TOML str, If the object was generated via :obj:`loads`, then the style will be preserved. """ return tomlkit.dumps(obj) # type: ignore[arg-type]
# TODO: Once tomlkit improves dumps' type hints, remove type ignore comment
[docs]def setdefault(obj: MutableMapping, key: str, value: T) -> T: # TODO: Use recursive type for obj, when available in mypy, and remove type: ignore """tomlkit seems to be tricky to use together with setdefault, this function is a workaround for that. When ``key`` is string containing ``'.'``, it will perform a nested setdefault. """ keys = key.split(".") items: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = list(zip(keys, [{}] * len(keys))) items[-1] = (keys[-1], value) last = obj for key, value in items: if key not in last: last[key] = value last = last[key] # type: ignore return cast(T, last)