Source code for pyscaffold.extensions.cirrus

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Extension that generates configuration for Cirrus CI."""
import argparse

from ..api import Extension, helpers
from ..templates import get_template
from .pre_commit import PreCommit
from .tox import Tox

TEMPLATE_FILE = "cirrus"

[docs]class Cirrus(Extension): """Add configuration file for Cirrus CI (includes `--tox` and `--pre-commit`)"""
[docs] def augment_cli(self, parser): """Augments the command-line interface parser A command line argument ``--FLAG`` where FLAG=```` is added which appends ``self.activate`` to the list of extensions. As help text the docstring of the extension class is used. In most cases this method does not need to be overwritten. Args: parser: current parser object """ help = self.__doc__[0].lower() + self.__doc__[1:] parser.add_argument( self.flag, help=help, nargs=0, dest="extensions", action=IncludeExtensions ) return self
[docs] def activate(self, actions): """Activate extension Args: actions (list): list of actions to perform Returns: list: updated list of actions """ return self.register(actions, add_files, after="define_structure")
[docs]class IncludeExtensions(argparse.Action): """Automatically activate tox and pre-commit together with cirrus.""" def __call__(self, parser, namespace, _values, _option_string=None): extensions = [PreCommit("pre_commit"), Tox("tox"), Cirrus("cirrus")] namespace.extensions.extend(extensions)
[docs]def add_files(struct, opts): """Add .cirrus.yaml to the file structure Args: struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested :obj:`dict`. opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for an extensive list. Returns: struct, opts: updated project representation and options """ files = {".cirrus.yml": (cirrus_descriptor(opts), helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)} return helpers.merge(struct, {opts["project"]: files}), opts
[docs]def cirrus_descriptor(_opts): """Returns the rendered template""" return get_template(TEMPLATE_FILE).template # no substitutions required