Source code for pyscaffold.integration

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Integration part for hooking into distutils/setuptools

The ``use_pyscaffold`` keyword is unknown to setuptools' setup(...) command,
therefore the ``entry_points`` are checked for a function to handle this
keyword which is ``pyscaffold_keyword`` below. This is where we hook into
setuptools and apply the magic of setuptools_scm as well as other commands.
import textwrap
from distutils.cmd import Command

from .contrib import ptr
from .contrib.setuptools_scm.integration import version_keyword
from .log import logger
from .repo import get_git_root
from .utils import check_setuptools_version

[docs]def version2str(version): """Creates a PEP440 version string Args: version (:obj:`setuptools_scm.version.ScmVersion`): version object Returns: str: version string """ if version.exact or not version.distance > 0: return version.format_with("{tag}") else: distance = version.distance version = str(version.tag) if ".dev" in version: version, tail = version.rsplit(".dev", 1) assert tail == "0", "own dev numbers are unsupported" return "{}{}".format(version, distance)
[docs]def local_version2str(version): """Create the local part of a PEP440 version string Args: version (:obj:`setuptools_scm.version.ScmVersion`): version object Returns: str: local version """ if version.exact: return "" else: if version.dirty: return version.format_with("+{node}.dirty") else: return version.format_with("+{node}")
[docs]def setuptools_scm_config(value): """Generate the configuration for setuptools_scm Args: value: value from entry_point Returns: dict: dictionary of options """ value = value if isinstance(value, dict) else dict() value.setdefault("root", get_git_root(default=".")) value.setdefault("version_scheme", version2str) value.setdefault("local_scheme", local_version2str) return value
[docs]def build_cmd_docs(): """Return Sphinx's BuildDoc if available otherwise a dummy command Returns: :obj:`~distutils.cmd.Command`: command object """ try: from sphinx.setup_command import BuildDoc except ImportError: class NoSphinx(Command): user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): raise RuntimeError( "Sphinx documentation is not installed, " "run: pip install sphinx" ) return NoSphinx else: class DeprecatedBuildDoc(BuildDoc): def initialize_options(self): msg = """\ ************************** DEPRECATED ************************** Support for running `python docs` will be removed in PyScaffold 4.0. Please use the Makefile inside the docs folder, or run `sphinx-build`. Alternatively, consider a build automation tool such as tox ( or nox ( """ logger.reconfigure(use_colors=True).warning(textwrap.dedent(msg)) super().initialize_options() return DeprecatedBuildDoc
[docs]class DeprecatedPyTest(ptr.PyTest):
[docs] def initialize_options(self): msg = """\ ******************************* DEPRECATED ******************************* pytest-runner is deprecated and support for running `python test` will be removed in PyScaffold 4.0. Please consider switching to a build automation tool such as tox ( or nox ( """ logger.reconfigure(use_colors=True).warning(textwrap.dedent(msg)) super().initialize_options()
[docs]def pyscaffold_keyword(dist, keyword, value): """Handles the `use_pyscaffold` keyword of the setup(...) command Args: dist (:obj:`setuptools.dist`): distribution object as keyword (str): keyword argument = 'use_pyscaffold' value: value of the keyword argument """ check_setuptools_version() if value: version_keyword(dist, keyword, setuptools_scm_config(value)) dist.cmdclass["docs"] = build_cmd_docs() dist.cmdclass["doctest"] = build_cmd_docs() dist.cmdclass["build_sphinx"] = build_cmd_docs() dist.command_options["doctest"] = {"builder": ("", "doctest")} dist.cmdclass["test"] = DeprecatedPyTest