Source code for pyscaffold.templates

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Templates for all files of a project's scaffold

import os
import string
from types import ModuleType

from pkg_resources import resource_string

from .. import __version__ as pyscaffold_version
from ..contrib.configupdater import ConfigUpdater
from ..utils import get_setup_requires_version

#: All available licences
licenses = {
    "affero": "license_affero_3.0",
    "apache": "license_apache",
    "artistic": "license_artistic_2.0",
    "cc0": "license_cc0_1.0",
    "eclipse": "license_eclipse_1.0",
    "gpl2": "license_gpl_2.0",
    "gpl3": "license_gpl_3.0",
    "isc": "license_isc",
    "lgpl2": "license_lgpl_2.1",
    "lgpl3": "license_lgpl_3.0",
    "mit": "license_mit",
    "mozilla": "license_mozilla",
    "new-bsd": "license_new_bsd",
    "none": "license_none",
    "proprietary": "license_none",
    "public-domain": "license_public_domain",
    "simple-bsd": "license_simplified_bsd",

[docs]def get_template(name, relative_to=__name__): """Retrieve the template by name Args: name: name of template (the ``.template`` extension will be automatically added to this name) relative_to: module/package object or name to which the resource file is relative (in the standard module format, e.g. ````). Notice that ``relative_to`` should not represent directly a shared namespace package, since this kind of package is spread in different folders in the file sytem. Default value: ``pyscaffold.templates`` (**please assign accordingly when using in custom extensions**). Examples: Consider the following package organization:: . ├── src │ └── my_package │ ├── │ ├── templates │ │ ├── │ │ ├── file1.template │ │ └── file2.template │ … └── tests Inside the file ``src/my_package/``, one can easily obtain the contents of ``file1.template`` by doing: .. code-block:: python from pyscaffold.templates import get_template from . import templates as my_templates tpl1 = get_template("file1", relative_to=my_templates) # OR # tpl1 = get_template('file1', relative_to=my_templates.__name__) Please notice you can also use `relative_to=__name__` or a combination of `from .. import __name__ as parent` and `relative_to=parent` to deal with relative imports. Returns: :obj:`string.Template`: template .. versionchanged :: 3.3 New parameter **relative_to**. """ file_name = "{name}.template".format(name=name) if isinstance(relative_to, ModuleType): relative_to = relative_to.__name__ data = resource_string(relative_to, file_name) # we assure that line endings are converted to '\n' for all OS data = data.decode(encoding="utf-8").replace(os.linesep, "\n") return string.Template(data)
[docs]def setup_py(opts): """Template of Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("setup_py") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
[docs]def setup_cfg(opts): """Template of setup.cfg Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("setup_cfg") opts["setup_requires_str"] = get_setup_requires_version() cfg_str = template.substitute(opts) updater = ConfigUpdater() updater.read_string(cfg_str) # add `classifiers` ( updater["metadata"]["platforms"] .add_after.comment( "Add here all kinds of additional classifiers as defined under" ) .comment("") .option("classifiers") ) updater["metadata"]["classifiers"].set_values(opts["classifiers"]) # add `install_requires` setup_requires = updater["options"]["setup_requires"] if opts["requirements"]: setup_requires.add_after.option("install_requires") updater["options"]["install_requires"].set_values(opts["requirements"]) else: ( setup_requires.add_after.comment( "Add here dependencies of your project " "(semicolon/line-separated), e.g." ).comment("install_requires = numpy; scipy") ) # fill [pyscaffold] section used for later updates pyscaffold = updater["pyscaffold"] pyscaffold["version"] = pyscaffold_version pyscaffold["package"] = opts["package"] if opts["cli_params"]["extensions"]: pyscaffold.set("extensions") pyscaffold["extensions"].set_values(opts["cli_params"]["extensions"]) for extension, args in opts["cli_params"]["args"].items(): pyscaffold[extension] = args return str(updater)
[docs]def gitignore(opts): """Template of .gitignore Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("gitignore") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def gitignore_empty(opts): """Template of empty .gitignore Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("gitignore_empty") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def sphinx_conf(opts): """Template of Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("sphinx_conf") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def sphinx_index(opts): """Template of index.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("sphinx_index") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def sphinx_license(opts): """Template of license.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("sphinx_license") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def sphinx_authors(opts): """Template of authors.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("sphinx_authors") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def sphinx_changelog(opts): """Template of changelog.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("sphinx_changelog") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def sphinx_makefile(opts): """Template of Sphinx's Makefile Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("sphinx_makefile") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
[docs]def readme(opts): """Template of README.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("readme") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def authors(opts): """Template of AUTHORS.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("authors") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def requirements(opts): """Template of requirements.txt Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("requirements") reqs = "\n".join(opts["requirements"]) or "#" opts["requirements_str"] = reqs return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def license(opts): """Template of LICENSE.txt Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template(licenses[opts["license"]]) return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def init(opts): """Template of Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ if opts["package"] == opts["project"]: opts["distribution"] = "__name__" else: opts["distribution"] = '"{}"'.format(opts["project"]) template = get_template("__init__") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def coveragerc(opts): """Template of .coveragerc Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("coveragerc") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def tox(opts): """Template of tox.ini Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("tox_ini") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def travis(opts): """Template of .travis.yml Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("travis") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
[docs]def travis_install(opts): """Template of Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("travis_install") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
[docs]def gitlab_ci(opts): """Template of .gitlab-ci.yml Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("gitlab_ci") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
[docs]def pre_commit_config(opts): """Template of .pre-commit-config.yaml Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("pre-commit-config") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
[docs]def isort_cfg(opts): """Template of .isort.cfg Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("isort_cfg") return template.safe_substitute(opts)
[docs]def namespace(opts): """Template of defining a namespace package Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("namespace") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def skeleton(opts): """Template of defining a basic console script Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("skeleton") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def test_skeleton(opts): """Template of unittest for Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("test_skeleton") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def changelog(opts): """Template of CHANGELOG.rst Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("changelog") return template.substitute(opts)
[docs]def conftest_py(opts): """Template of Args: opts: mapping parameters as dictionary Returns: str: file content as string """ template = get_template("conftest_py") return template.substitute(opts)